HYLÉ ὕλη
27 Jan, 2022
In ancient Greek, HyleÌ is the raw and primary material of the world, from which all the things perceived by our senses are made of.
Deriving from this concept this work was born, which crafts a world that appears to be populated by chimeras and where matters answer one another and merge. A world where it is almost impossible to differentiate living entities from non-living, organics from minerals or cosmic beings.
This new balance of life brings visibility to the type, the gender and the body shapes escaping the tangible and all moral judgment. In a new utopian perception, HyleÌ was composed as a new «order» of nature that would welcome the «disorder» and thus reveal its beauty.
Emilie Arfeuil's work mainly questions the notion of identity and its transformations, through individual or collective history, belonging and representation, hybridization and self-determination. Her projects draw from reality and intimate encounters, through an immersive and unfiltered process that transforms the project, its protagonists and the artist herself. Her works are mainly presented in the form of photographs, but also in multimedia and sound installations or objects in immersive exhibitions.